湖北美术馆以“立足本土,面向世界;兼顾历史,重在当代”为办馆理念,携手社会各界力量,自2010年起每三年举办一次“湖北漆艺三年展”,即是希望搭建起一个高端的国际漆艺交流平台,实现传统漆艺的创造性转化、创新性发展,以人民为中心,讲好中国故事,彰显中国自信。迄今“湖北漆艺三年展”已成功举办四届,其中连续三届获评文化和旅游部优秀展览项目,形成了良好的社会效应和国际影响力,并由此奠定了其学科前沿的高度与方向。继2010年“材质·方法·精神”、2013年“源·流”、2016年“时序”、2019年“器·象”四届湖北漆艺三年展举办之后,中国当代漆艺的创作面貌发生了显著变化。我们看到漆艺由技入道,开始强调问题意识和文化立场。依托湖北浪漫包容的楚文化底蕴,第五届湖北漆艺三年展以“变·通”为主题,强调在变化中思辨,于变化中开新局,将漆艺创作和研究的视野逐层打开。自2022年4月公布主题面向国内外征集优秀漆艺作品以来,本届三年展受到了广泛关注,于2022年8征集截止时共收到1000多件作品投稿。经专家评选,确定了来自中国、日本、韩国、美国、法国、西班牙、泰国、越南、缅甸的147位艺术家约200余组精品力作参展。从这些作品中,我们看到漆艺在传承传统的同时,打破了传统的界限,开辟出新颖的、不受边界限制的创作方式。漆艺以其丰富的语言特质展现出无尽的创造力,从工艺之美上升到东方哲思,从图式与造型的追求转向深刻独到的观念表达,从材料、技术的解构重构到价值、方法的多重思考,在新时代的语境中萌发了介入现实的巨大能量。漆艺是民族的,也是世界的;漆艺是传统的,也是当代的;漆艺是诗意的,也是生活的;漆艺是赓续血脉的,也是开创未来的。期待各位漆艺家的创造能够呈现漆艺多维度的突破与联通,不断在“湖北漆艺三年展”这个平台上成就自我,共攀漆艺发展的高峰。希望漆艺的精彩在湖北得以继续,并从湖北扩散到全国,从老一辈漆艺家传递到年轻一代创作者,代代相承,未来可期。湖北美术馆亦将不遗余力继续发掘与推介优秀的漆艺家及作品,以更广阔的视野和格局来构建当今这个时代的“大漆世界”。World of Lacquer: Change & Connection—2023 Hubei Lacquer Art Triennial Guided by: Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and TourismSponsor: Hubei Museum of ArtDuration: March 17 to May 18, 2023Opening Time: 10:30 am, April 7, 2023Venue: Gallery 1,2,4-7, B1Art Director: Ji ShaofengAcademic Consultants (in alphabetical order): Fu Zhongwang, Nagatoshi Onishi , Pi Daojian, Qiao Shiguang, Sungsoo Kim , Tsong-zung ChangAcademic Chairs: Hu Ying, Xia ZiAdministrative Director: Liu LiyingAssistant Curators: Zhang Qian, Cheng Ran, Li YujuanExhibition Designers: Qiao Jie, Xu Jian, Tian YePublicity & Promotion: Xia Zi, Fu Jian, Zeng JingPublic Education: Lei Yating, Song CanExhibition Coordination: He Shujun, Zhang QianExhibition Reception: Huang Li, Wang Jiawen,Li YutingWork Collection: Ma Wenting, Zhang LiLacquer art is one of the art forms that can best reflect the cultural roots and symbolic etiquette of the Chinese nation, carrying the spirit and aesthetic taste of Oriental culture. Hubei is an important birthplace of Chinese lacquer art in China, with many exquisite lacquerware unearthed that amazed the world. As a unique technique and excellent tradition with a history of more than 8,000 years, lacquer art and its implied lacquer culture have eternal vitality. It also has great space for inheritance, transformation and development in contemporary times.Adhering to the operation concept of "a global vision rooted in Chinese culture, an emphasis on the present with the past in mind", Hubei Museum of Art has been holding "Hubei International Triennial of Lacquer Art" every three years since 2010, together with all sectors of society. It is hoped to build a high-end international exchange platform of lacquer art, realize the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional lacquer art, so as to tell China's stories well with its people as the center and demonstrating China's confidence. So far, the "Hubei International Triennial of Lacquer Art" has been successfully held for four sessions, of which three consecutive sessions have been rated as excellent exhibition projects by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of PRC, forming a good social effect and international influence, and thus laying the height and direction of frontier development of its discipline.After the four sessions of Hubei International Triennial of Lacquer Art in 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019, respectively, with themes ranging from Material, Process & Spirit, Source & Flow, Cycle of Time to Vessel & Form, the creative situation of contemporary lacquer art in China has changed significantly. It is seen that the focus of lacquer art gradually changes from technique to virtue, beginning to emphasize problem awareness and cultural stance. Relying on the romantic and inclusive Chu culture of Hubei Province, the 5th Hubei International Triennial of Lacquer Art takes "Change & Connection" as the theme, emphasizing thinking in changes and creating new prospect in changes, thus opening the horizon of lacquer art creation and research layer by layer. In April 2022, the theme of the Triennale was announced and the collection of outstanding lacquer works from home and abroad then began. Since then, the Triennale has attracted wide attention. More than 1,000 works were submitted by the deadline in August 2022. Through experts' selection, about 200 groups of excellent works created by 146 artists from China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, France, Spain, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar were selected to participate in the exhibition. From these works, we can see that lacquer art, while inheriting tradition, breaks the boundaries of tradition and opens up novel and unrestricted ways of creation. Lacquer art shows endless creativity with its rich expression characteristics, rising from the beauty of craft to Oriental philosophy, from the pursuit of schema and modeling to profound and unique expression of conception, from the deconstruction and reconstruction of materials and technologies to the multiple thinking of value and method, germinating huge energy to intervene in reality in the context of the new era.Lacquer art is both national and global; lacquer art is both traditional and contemporary; lacquer art is poetic and lifelike; lacquer art is to inherit fine traditions and create the future. It is expected that the creation of all lacquer artists can present the multi-dimensional breakthrough and connectivity of lacquer art, constantly achieve self-achievement on the platform of "Hubei International Triennial of Lacquer Art", and jointly climb the peak of the development of the lacquer art. It is hoped that the wonders of lacquer art will continue in Hubei and spread from Hubei to the whole country, from the older generation of lacquer artists to the younger generation of creators, inheriting from generation to generation and having a promising future. Hubei Museum of Art will also spare no effort to continue to explore and promote outstanding lacquer artists and works, so as to build a "World of Lacquer" in this era with a broader vision and pattern.Ji Shaofeng, Director of Hubei Museum of Art March 2023
乔十光(Qiao Shiguang)
木板、布、大漆、蛋壳 / Wood board, cloth, natural lacquer, eggshell2009

蔡克振(Cai Kezhen)
陈立德(Chen Lide)
大漆、银、麻绳/ Natural lacquer, silver, hemp rope
程向军(Cheng Xiangjun)
木板 、棉麻布、 漆、 瓦灰/ Wood, cotton and linen, lacquer, painted tile ash2014

金圣洙/韩国(Kim Sungsoo/Korea)
《聚焦1、2》/ Focus 1、Focus2
木板上做漆、贴螺钿/ Natural lacquer, mother-of-pearl on lacquer woodwork canvas
194.2cm×112 cm×2

松岛樱子/日本( Matsushima Sakurako/Japan)
《内在因素II》/ Inherent Elements II大漆、麻布、竹子、金粉、锡粉、土拨鼠壳/ Japanese lacquer, hemp cloth, bamboo, gold power, tin powder, Turbo marmoratus shell (kanshitsu and shell inlay technique

奥尔加·阿卢瓦/西班牙(OLGA ALOY/Spain)
大漆、木、金箔、金属托/ Lacquer on Wood and gold leaf, and metal supportΦ12.5 cm,18cm高 / total height 18cm2022

大西长利/日本(ONISHI Nagatoshi/Japan)
大漆、麻布、土粉末 、米糊、色料、 螺钿/ Natural lacquer, hemp cloth, soil powder, rice paste, pigment, mother-of-pearl2022

文乾刚 (Wen Qiangang)
雕漆 《剔红‘春和景明’三扇中堂挂屏》 / Carved Lacquer Three-Panel Hanging Screen of Bright Spring
大漆、银硃、松木 / Natural lacquer, silver vermilion, pine主扇长126cm×125cm / Main fan length 126cm×125cm
边扇(单扇)126cm×37cm / Side fan (single fan) 126cm×37cm
周剑石(Zhou Jianshi)
《衍生》 / Derived
苯板、麻布、生漆、水、小麦、烧土、铁粉 / EPS board, hemp cloth, raw lacquer, water, wheat, burnt clay, ferrous powder
致敬艺匠/Salute to the Master:
白明/Bai Ming、蔡克振/Cai Kezhen、陈金华/Chen Jinhua、陈立德/Chen Lide、陈勤立/Chen Qinli、程向军/Cheng Xiangjun、崔钟官(韩国)/Choi Jongkwan(South Korea)、茅冒(缅甸)/Daw Maw Maw Aung(Myanmar)、范福安/Fan Fu'an、傅中望/Fu Zhongwang、甘尔可/Gan Erke、黄宝贤(中国台湾)/Huang Baoxian(Taiwan, China)、郑容宙(韩国)/Jung Yongju(South Korea)、金圣洙(韩国)/Kim Sungsoo(South Korea)、金雪(韩国)/Kim Seol(South Korea)、李伦/Li Lun、李永清/Li Yongqing、梁远/Liang Yuan、林栋/Lin Dong、林怡/Lin Yi、松岛樱子(日本)/Matsushima Sakurako(Japan)、三田村有纯(日本)/ Mitamura Arisumi(Japan)、栗本夏树(日本)/Natsuki Kurimoto(Japan)、田中信行(日本)/Nobuyuki Tanaka(Japan)、小椋范彦(日本)/Ogura Norihiko(Japan)、吴球焕(韩国)/Oh Goohwan(South Korea)、大西长利(日本)/Onishi Nagatoshi(Japan)、大塚智嗣(日本)/Otsuka Tomotsugu(Japan)、乔十光/Qiao Shiguang、阮界望/Ruan Jiewang、沈克龙/Shen Kelong、唐明修/ Tang Mingxiu、汤志义/Tang Zhiyi、乌玛玛(缅甸)/U Maung Maung(Myanmar)、汪天亮/Wang Tianliang、王向阳/Wang Xiangyang、未明/Wei Ming、文乾刚/Wen Qiangang、翁纪军/Weng Jijun、谢震/Xie Zheng、张承志/Zhang Chengzhi、张温帙/Zhang Wenzhi、钟声/Zhong Sheng、周剑石/Zhou Jianshi、祝重华/Zhu Chonghua 漆言思辨/Diverse Voices from Lacquer :
白阅雨/Bai Yueyu、陈东杰/Chen Dongjie、方兆华/Fang Zhaohua、郭小一/Guo Xiaoyi、胡本七/Hu Benqi、胡敬珂/Hu Jingke、江宇轩/Jiang Yuxuan、金晖/Jin Hui、赖晓龙/Lai Xiaolong、李小军/Li Xiaojun、连旭云/Lian Xuyun、林蓉蓉/Lin Rongrong、林涛/Lin Tao、刘吾香/Liu Wuxiang、路瑶/Lu Yao、阮明光(越南)/Nguyen Minh Quang(Vietnam)、潘草原/Pan Caoyuan、阿占发(泰国)/Phumapee Kongrit(Thailand)、乔加/Qiao Jia、邱志军/Qiu Zhijun、施鹏程/Shi Pengcheng、谭大利/Tan Dali、田猛/Tian Meng、文森·漆(法国)/Vincent Cazeneuve(France)、王炳根/Wang Binggen、王丽楠/Wang Linan、吴朋波+周芬/Wu Pengbo+Zhou Fen、吴淑芳/Wu Shufang、武非/Wu Fei、谢晓泽(美国)/Xie Xiaoze(America)、许剑武/Xu Jianwu、姚邦亮/Yao Bangliang、张俊/Zhang Jun、赵建伟/Zhao Jianwei、赵艺粼/Zhao Yilin 造物髹漆/Design System of Lacquerware:杜妍洁/Du Yanjie、段祥莉/Duan Xiangli、范建军/Fan Jianjun、范潇/Fan Xiao、高裕华/Gao Yuhua、韩洪波/Han Hongbo、金荷宛(韩国)/Kim Hawon(South Korea)、成盐漆作工作室/LACQUER CHENGYAN、李竞/Li Jing、李梦迪/Li Mengdi、廖胜文(中国台湾)/Liao Shengwen (Taiwan, China)、刘清/Liu Qing、刘宇/Liu Yu、卢子翔/Lu Zixiang、马颖/Ma Ying、奥尔加·阿卢瓦(西班牙)/Olga Aloy(Spain)、潘玲/Pan Ling、品物流形设计工作室/PINWU、屈棪博/Qu Yanbo、沈俊杰/Shen Junjie、石宇光/Shi Yuguang、史棋如/Shi Qiru、苏杭/Su Hang、孙锦涛/Sun Jintao、吴先尧/Wu Xianyao、谢林瀚/Xie Linhan、熊潇潇/Xiong Xiaoxiao、徐晶/Xu Jing、乐黎/Yue Li、张力心/Zhang Lixin、赵丹阳/Zhao Danyang、郑皓真/Zheng Haozhen、郑杰/Zheng Jie、赵海莉(韩国)/Cho Haeree(South Korea)、朱唯/Zhu Wei
通变重塑/Beyond Boundary and Reshaping Connotation:柴晗晓/Chai Hanxiao、常瑶昱/Chang Yaoyu、陈俊/Chen Jun、陈卓/Chen Zhuo、戴燕怡/Dai Yanyi、方来东/Fang Laidong、傅文超/Fu Wenchao、郭天天/Guo Tiantian、星温美(日本)/Hoshi Atsumi(Japan)、胡心叶/Hu Xinye、蒋威/Jiang Wei、李鹏飞/Li Pengfei、李岩/Li Yan、刘涵/Liu Han、刘善林/Liu Shanlin、刘思捷/Liu Sijie、陆雨龙/Lu Yulong、朴成烈(韩国)/Park Sung Youl(South Korea)、齐依凡/Qi Yifan、任飞/Ren Fei、融设计图书馆/Rong Design Library (China)、莎莎·希格比(美国)/Sha Sha Higby(America)、沈也/Shen Ye、谷沢周子(日本)/Tanizawa Shuko(Japan)、王国建/Wang Guojian、杨倩云/Yang Qianyun、喻佳欣/Yu Jiaxin、张钧雷/Zhang Junlei、张志纲/Zhang Zhigang、周芳/Zhou Fang、周军南/Zhou Junnan、周玮/Zhou Wei